Poetry & Translation


In  an ongoing effort inspired by Robert Pinsky’s Singing School: Learning How to Write (and Read) Poetry by Studying with the Masters, I am compiling an anthology—very much in the etymological sense of the word: ἀνθος, “flower” + λογια, “collection”—of poetry to help inspire my own. Here are some of my favorites.

 Original Poetry

Just what they sound like. Original pieces of poetry sprung forth from the head of Zeus… by which I mean me. Check them out.

Original Translations

Every translation feels as though it is part word puzzle, part pantomime—making the pieces fit, using the right phraseology, attempting to replicate sound and meaning. Translation is almost like an addiction when done with enough continuity; just like  the addictions one picks up in college, amirite? (Future employers ignore that comment). Anyhow, here they are.

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